Saturday 13 July 2013

Write On - week 3 - Heat


The furthest back I can remember such heat was when I was in reception class at Rawdon Littlemoor and we went to Temple Newsam. I have snap shot memories of this day. The first is feeling the heat on my skin and all the sights of people being warm. I can remember rolling down grassy hills like a sausage (no hayfever for Elizabeth) - to this day the smell of freshly cut grass reminds me of that day. I also remember a huuuuuuuge pig with big scary teeth. It did scare me at the time.
I can even remember having a packed lunch in my red postman pat lunchbox.

Other memories of heat, include being at Benton Park, my high school. Happy days there, I look back with a smile on my face. Many happy Summers from Year 7 - 11. My Summers meant sport, packed with rounders matches and athletics meetings. Me and my team mates hitting 'sloggers' and getting rounders. I'm sitting here smiling remembering Jo who always used to let go of the bat after slogging it. Good times.
Athletics meetings were always at South Leeds Stadium, with the occasional meet at Carnegie. The fun would start on the coach travelling there, excitement of being in our school team and feeling a bit nervous too. The heat of the sun pounding through the coach windows. Then arriving at the event and walking through the stadium, it always gave me a buzz. I used to compete in long jump and 200m. Loved every minute.

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