Tuesday 23 July 2013

Week 4 - Write On Challenge

Turning Point

Lost in the darkness,
Fading in the light,
Wading through the anger,
Giving up the fight.

Painting on the smile,
Hiding with the pain,
Losing hope to live,
Giving up again.

Strength pushed through from somewhere,
Turning point began,
Losing all my chemo weight,
Had to be my plan.

Walking into the room
Scared, nervous and shy
Seeing smiling faces
Not wanting to cry

Out of the darkness,
Shining in the light,
Dancing in the sunshine
Winning my next fight!

Saturday 13 July 2013

Write On - week 3 - Heat


The furthest back I can remember such heat was when I was in reception class at Rawdon Littlemoor and we went to Temple Newsam. I have snap shot memories of this day. The first is feeling the heat on my skin and all the sights of people being warm. I can remember rolling down grassy hills like a sausage (no hayfever for Elizabeth) - to this day the smell of freshly cut grass reminds me of that day. I also remember a huuuuuuuge pig with big scary teeth. It did scare me at the time.
I can even remember having a packed lunch in my red postman pat lunchbox.

Other memories of heat, include being at Benton Park, my high school. Happy days there, I look back with a smile on my face. Many happy Summers from Year 7 - 11. My Summers meant sport, packed with rounders matches and athletics meetings. Me and my team mates hitting 'sloggers' and getting rounders. I'm sitting here smiling remembering Jo who always used to let go of the bat after slogging it. Good times.
Athletics meetings were always at South Leeds Stadium, with the occasional meet at Carnegie. The fun would start on the coach travelling there, excitement of being in our school team and feeling a bit nervous too. The heat of the sun pounding through the coach windows. Then arriving at the event and walking through the stadium, it always gave me a buzz. I used to compete in long jump and 200m. Loved every minute.

Monday 8 July 2013

Write On - week 2 - Overheard

This week's writing prompt...


The power of music... it always amazes me.
I love it when I overhear someone else's music playing and it takes me somewhere, to a place or time from the past or reminds you of something or someone.
This happens to me a lot when I am in my car. I can be driving along and hear a snippet of someone else's car music as we pass one another, or in traffic when a bit more than a snippet is heard.
The most recent time this happened, I was out walking and a car drove past me with it's windows down. The person driving was enjoying listening to 'You can't always get what you want' by The Rolling Stones, the choir introduction part. The driver of that car must have loved that bit of the song as much as me because they had it on nice and loud! :D It powerfully sparked lots of happy memories and feelings. Mainly memories of sitting with Anthony and watching the TV series 'House' and things that happened around that time in our life together. That's what I mean about the power of music, how from nowhere that one snippet can make you feel like you're back there. From that song, a domino effect of memories and songs, including another song used in the programme, 'Baba O'Reily' by The Who. As soon as I got home from my walk I put both songs on nice and loud and enjoyed!

Tuesday 2 July 2013

'Write on' challenge - I have never

I have been thinking about getting back into my writing for while and my head just hasn't been clear enough to try.
But today, I came across my Twitter pal @bakingaitch blog and saw that she has written a post inspired by @SandyCalico who does the 'Write on' challenge. This seems like the perfect way to start getting back into writing!
Basically 3 prompts are set weekly and you can choose what to write about from those prompts.
(If you are interested click on the badge on the right on my blog page :])

'I have never...' is this week's prompt and the new prompts are published tomorrow. (prompt prompt prompttptt, such a weird word!)

I have never been 'travelling'. The hype of travelling around the world has always passed me by. I love to go places, I love going on holiday, photography, culture and learning new things.... but it doesn't appeal to me to save up money to go travelling, live out of a bag and go from place to place for a long length of time. I would miss home way too much, all my home comforts, my cat, my friends. It just doesn't do it for me!
I'm the kind of girl who likes to be messy for a bit but then loves to clean it up spectacularly just as well. I wouldn't cope well without a lovely hot shower and bath and I would miss comforting smells and textures that home provides.

I have never been the first out of a group of people to do something. I always see myself as taking my time to get to a place or to do something. A lot of the time I feel like a snail. A cute snail, of course! :)
I do things at my own pace, sometimes the pressure of wanting to go faster or feeling/thinking others are pushing me to go faster makes me feel bad or self conscious. But I still don't rush, I do things when I feel I am ready.

I have never been sky diving. I would still love to give it a go!

I have never been to Center Parcs. :( Another thing I would really like to do.

I have never eaten Rabbit. Not sure I could!

I have never had a tattoo. Thought about it many many times! Still done nothing about it. I am way to indecisive and scared I will hate what I choose.

You know what they say though... Never say never!