Monday 8 July 2013

Write On - week 2 - Overheard

This week's writing prompt...


The power of music... it always amazes me.
I love it when I overhear someone else's music playing and it takes me somewhere, to a place or time from the past or reminds you of something or someone.
This happens to me a lot when I am in my car. I can be driving along and hear a snippet of someone else's car music as we pass one another, or in traffic when a bit more than a snippet is heard.
The most recent time this happened, I was out walking and a car drove past me with it's windows down. The person driving was enjoying listening to 'You can't always get what you want' by The Rolling Stones, the choir introduction part. The driver of that car must have loved that bit of the song as much as me because they had it on nice and loud! :D It powerfully sparked lots of happy memories and feelings. Mainly memories of sitting with Anthony and watching the TV series 'House' and things that happened around that time in our life together. That's what I mean about the power of music, how from nowhere that one snippet can make you feel like you're back there. From that song, a domino effect of memories and songs, including another song used in the programme, 'Baba O'Reily' by The Who. As soon as I got home from my walk I put both songs on nice and loud and enjoyed!

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic take on the prompt. I hadn't considered overhearing music. Yes, songs do take you back.
    Please come and link up so the others can see your posts:
